7 April 2012

the glory of the cross

Dead in my sin, curse of God, child of wrath,
despised, ever-selfish, and blind
Twas I, yet before the foundation of earth
He predestined that I might find
the truth of His wrath, justice mercy and grace,
come together that day on the tree,
where taking upon the whole vengeance of God
Jesus Christ hung in my place for me.
Yet twas not for my sake, but the glory of He
who intended it 'fore there was time.
And yet in the mystery of His sacrifice
all inheritance of Christ became mine.
And I glory, alone, in the power of the cross
and my saviour who rose from the grave.
And with eager hope, think all else but loss
and wait for the glorious day
when He comes back in might, and justice to bring.
Yet because of the cross some will know
only mercy and grace, since He died in our place.
Peace and joy never-ending will flow!
And in perfect communion, together at last
all the saints with one voice will proclaim
praise to the Holy one, honour and power,
and we'll finally see Him face to face.
But until that day, oh that wonderful day,
I must make the news know to the lost.
In their death (just like mine) they'll be cursed- but not find
a saviour who has paid the cost.
And eternal damnation, mourning and tears 
wait forever beyond the grave.
Oh how high the price will my silence be,
if I share not how Jesus can save!
So in light of eternity, no matter costs here,
be it suffering more than I can bear
I press on for His glory, proclaiming His truth,
for in His pain alone do I share.
And how incomparable will such sufferings seem
in light of the glory I'll see
when I get to worship, face to face,
my Lord for all eternity.

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